Member-only story
It wasn’t my first time traveling alone from Yokohama station to some other far-off train station to meet up with my friends, but as someone who grew up triple-checking if she’s gotten everything in her bag before leaving, there was just a kind of anxiety that went with being topographically disoriented (a term that I learned just now) and traveling around to a different area that I’m not used to in a country that I’m just getting familiar with.
Thankfully I didn't end up on a completely different train than what I was supposed to ride, but I did end up getting lost around Shimbashi Station and went around in circles, making me at least a good 15 minutes late for my original meetup time with my friends.
The train car I was on was packed, but thankfully I got in earlier so I was able to take a seat near the window.
Two guys sat in front of me and proceeded to talk about Pokemon and games, and I tried my best to not make it look like I’m annoyed despite the glaring light of the sun hitting my face every now and then.
The view from the monorail was amazing, but I was too busy checking the map application on my phone to make sure I haven’t missed my stop yet that I don’t think I was able to enjoy the scenery as much as I wanted to.